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Forum Rules

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Forum Rules Empty Forum Rules

Post  lamarr007 Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:50 am

This community has grown quite a bit, which means that there are alot of posts daily and alot of new members. So, I decided to come up with a couple of rules to avoid ugly situations and unneeded bans.

1. No trolling, advertising and spamming through threads, PMs, posts. You are not allowed to advertise any forum/site unless FPSB, facepunch, youtube and faceboook. (this list may change)

2. Creating meaningless or spam threads will earn you a gag. Moderators/admin can trash thread if they find it unappropriate

3. Posting links/videos/pictures containing sexual content is not allowed. This does not included jokes containing low sexual content that make us all laugh.

4. Be nice to each other and respect the moderators and admins. Profanity and insults will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with another member turn to the respective moderator/admin and if the moderator/admin can't help you send a private message to Sh0n3x or Slimnooze.

5. How NOT to post on this forum:

5 minutes after your initial post you reply to your own post writing something like "Why is nobody helping me? I'm sure you know the answer". Once somebody replies to your thread but doesn't give you exactly the answer you've been expecting you insult them.

Do not ask "what's best" because this question cannot be answered objectively. Each and everyone has their own view about what's best in a certain area. The best is what works best for you!

6. You may only write in English since it is the most common used language around the internet.

7. Instructions by the moderator/admin team are to be followed.

8. No discussion about the rules or their interpretation.

9.Report all admin members or registered on the forum who violate the rules or abuse, or patterns of work, made on this forum.

10. Do not fire at the church lol!.

If you don't follow these rules you are risking yourself a ban.
Site Admin
Site Admin

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Join date : 2010-12-18
Age : 26
Location : Czech Republic

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